
1、a green hand字面意义是“一只绿手”,实际意义是“新手”

2、 “Man struggles upwards;water flows downwards.”


4、You bet!字面意义是“打赌吧!”,实际意义是“当然,的确,肯定是”

5、 “The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.”

6、I miss you when I am depressed, just as I miss the sunlight in winter; I miss you when I feel happy, just as I miss the shade in the hot sun.”

7、A clock watcher字面意义是“看表的人”,实际意义是“老是看钟表等下班的人”

8、 “Right or wrong, you just need one rule,It is impossible to please a man who is indecisive over and over againPeople who wander between right and wrong will never be accepted.”

9、The happiest people are not those who own all the best things, but the ones who can really appreciate the beauty of life.”

10、You can say that again!字面意义是“你可以把那再讲一遍!”实际意义是“你说的太好了!”

11、lick one's lips字面意义是“舔嘴唇”,实际意义是“馋涎欲滴,连声咂嘴”

12、get a life字面意义是“获得新生”,实际意义是“做点正经事吧;振作起来吧!”

13、Often by those i ignore, only in lost just know that is the most precious.”

14、It's you that led me out of the loneliness when I was lost in my mind.”

15、baby kisser字面意义是“亲小孩的人”,实际意义是“爱拍马屁的、假惺惺的人”

16、lady killer字面意义是“女士杀手”,实际意义是“大帅哥”

17、Dutch act字面意义是“荷兰人的行为”,实际意义是“自杀”

18、kick one's ass字面意义是“踢某人的屁股”,实际意义是“收拾某人,揍某人”

19、clear the air字面意义是“清洁空气”,实际意义是“澄清误会”

20、go Dutch字面意义是“去荷兰”实际意义是“AA制”

21、give me a hand,字面意义是“给我一只手”,实际意义是“帮我一把”

22、all ears字面意义是“所有的耳朵”,实际意义是“全神贯注,洗耳恭听”

23、kill sb. with kindness字面意义是“用善意杀死某人”,实际意义是“热情过度”

24、 “With enough time, you can get used to almost anything.”

25、tell on sb.字面意义类似“告诉某人”?实际意义是“告发某人,打某人的小报告”

26、a piece of cake字面意义是“一块蛋糕”,实际意义是“小菜一碟,非常容易的事”

27、We are all fools in love.”

28、long nose,字面意义是“长鼻子”,实际意义是“高鼻梁”

29、give me a five字面意义是“给我一个五”,实际意义是“击掌表高兴”

30、watch one's back字面意义是“看某人的背”,实际意义是“掩护某人”

31、kick onself字面意义是“踢自己”,实际意义是“自责”

32、give me a break,字面意义是“让我休息一会”,实际意义是“饶了我吧”

33、Dutch courage字面意义是“荷兰人的勇气”,实际意义是“匹夫之勇,酒后之勇、蛮干、虚勇 ”


35、You can rest assured that go wandering,I lie for you.”

36、eat dirt字面意义是“吃土”,实际意义是“遭受屈辱,含垢忍辱,忍气吞声”

37、 “Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.”

38、Being silent is the perfect way to show contempt.”

39、Dutch treat字面意义是“荷兰人的招待”,实际意义是“AA制,各自付账”

40、feed the fishes字面意义是“喂不同种类的鱼”,实际意义是“晕船”

41、 “Life is full of ups and downs. The trick is to enjoy the ups and have courage during the downs.”

42、food for thought字面意义是“精神食粮”,实际意义是“令人深思的事物”

43、keep your pecker up字面意义是“保持你的老二竖立”,实际意义是“振作起来”

44、put one's feet into one's mouth字面意义是“把某人的脚伸进某人的嘴里”,实际意义是“(在语言或行为上)令人尴尬,做错事,说错话,祸从口出”
