

1、 The football team"s mascot is a goat.

2、The sheep are at feed before the shepherd. 羊 正在牧 羊 人面前吃草。

3、Sheep and goat羊

4、 He herded up his goats.

5、Histodynamic observation of endocardium in adult goat and human heart;成人和成体 羊 心脏心内膜的组织动力学观察

6、The wool shorn at one shearing, as of sheep.一次剪下的 羊 毛,如绵 羊

7、 In the winter, sheep have thick fleeces.

8、Study on Digestibility of 13~16-day-old Tan-sheep Lamb to Corn Protein Meal and Extruded Soybean Flour;13~16日龄滩 羊 羔 羊 对玉米蛋白粉·膨化大豆粉消化性的研究

9、 Men and goats have beards.

10、A study on the monitoring techniques with B-mold ultrasound scanner and the ultrasonography during embryo transfer in ewe ; 羊 胚胎移植B超监测技术及其影像的研究

11、 Goats can bound from rock to rock.

12、The Advanced Progress of POU1F1Gene in Bovine and Caprine ;牛、 羊 POU1F1基因的研究进展

13、A calf/lamb/goat bleats.小牛/小 羊 /山 羊 叫。

14、 The young goat was just beginning to grow horns.

15、 Wolves worry the sheep.

16、 The sheep are allowed to roam freely on this land.

17、give birth to a lamb, of ewes.生育小 羊 ,用于母 羊 。

18、 The pathogenicity of Moniezia expansa in sheep has long been debated.

19、The dogs herded the sheep together.牧 羊 狗把 羊 群赶到一起。

20、You have no goats, and yet you sell kids.没有老山 羊 ,还把小 羊 卖。

21、 I counted 34 wild goats grazing.

22、 A couple of goats are butting each other.

23、 The tiger sprang on the goat.

24、Study on the Dynamic Monitoring Technique by B-mold Ultrasound Scanner in the Process of Embryo Transfer and the Establishment of the Illustration in Ewes; 羊 胚胎移植过程中的B超动态监测研究及图谱创建

25、 Oh, I see. You want the model sheep, not the ship.

26、Progress in research on detecting gestation in sheep using real-time B-mode ultrasonic scanner;B超监测母 羊 妊娠研究进展

27、 Sheep"s milk is produced in much the same way as goat"s milk.

28、 We keep a few fowls and some goats.

29、a little sheep, so white and nice.一只小 羊 ,一只小 羊 。

30、 March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.

31、One scabbed sheep will mar a whole flock.一 羊 生癣,群 羊 受害。

32、He dare not do it! What a coward sheep!

33、 Goats were bounding off in all directions.

34、Analysis of amino acids in brain polypeptide of sheep ; 羊 脑多肽的氨基酸含量分析

35、Application of Cysteamine in Sheep production;半胱胺在养 羊 生产中的应用

36、Get the sheep within.把 羊 赶进 羊 圈里面去。

37、 Fellowing the outbreak of the disease, several sheep and lambs were destroyed on veterinary advice.

38、 a hardy breed of sheep

39、 They keep animals, e . g . goats and cattle.