

1、 你就像是一只暗夜里的灵魂,潜伏在我的周边。

2、 世上有很多好东西,是“带不走”的。

3、 即将转出来的那一面,是快乐或痛苦,是爱还是恨。

4、 If you dont fight, the world is so big. What do you rely on to see.

5、 在青春的世界里,沙粒要变成珍珠,石头要化作黄金。

6、 Time, seize is gold, wasted is water.

7、 斩断自己的退路,才能赢得出路。

8、 把悲伤压在心底,把笑容挂在脸上。

9、 If a person wants to learn how to skate, he must be ready to wrestle on the ice.

10、 “不可能”这个字,只在愚人的字典中找得到。

11、 与其担心未来,不如努力现在。

12、 Because I dont believe in myself, I always feel that what others say is right.

13、 大鹏一日乘风起,扶摇直上九万里。

14、 不奋斗,世界这么大你靠什么去看看。

15、 Be the best of yourself, not for the day, not for the day, only for tomorrows own.

16、 好习惯成就一生,坏习惯毁人前程。

17、 气质是关键,如果时尚学不好,宁愿纯朴。

18、 One day, the ROC took advantage of the wind and soared to Li.

19、 年华一去不复返,事业放弃在难成。

20、 不管外面天气怎样,别忘了带上自己的阳光。

21、 Although hard, I will still choose that kind of hot life.

22、 Only when we can see ourselves clearly can we go to battle with light clothes.

23、 If you have more ambition than others, you will have more achievements.

24、 工作就意味着责任,实现目标就意味着奉献。

25、 努力的时候别停下,总有一天会看到自己以后的样子。

26、 人生的诸多烦恼,其实源于自己。

27、 我们无法选择自己的脑袋,但可以选择自己喜欢的思想。

28、 Perseverance and hard work will ensure that you do well in whatever you do.

29、 不想这样安于现状,我会逐渐的让自己变得强大起来。Dont want to be so content with the status quo, I will gradually make myself stronger. Dare to pursue is a kind of spirit, knowing to give up is a kind of realm!

30、 未来,是靠把握机会和努力奋斗。

31、 知识是座宝库,而勤奋就是开启宝库大门的钥匙。

32、 做最好的自己,不为天不为天只为明天的自己。

33、 Its not too late to start. Its better to start today.

34、 Dont just look back and dont see how long the road ahead is.

35、 因为不相信自己,总觉得别人说的才是正确的。

36、 为了将来美一点,如今务必苦一点。

37、 眼睛为你下着雨,心却为你撑着伞。

38、 The best state of life, content with gain and loss, indifferent to success or failure, still forward!

39、 锲而不舍终有成,好高骛远皆是空。

40、 前面一片漆黑,天亮以后就会很美。

41、 不论结果是喜是悲,你总不枉在这世上活了一场。

42、 先学会适应,再学会独立。

43、 Cherish oneself, cherish the companion friends, cherish the concerned family.

44、 有本事抛弃别人,就要有本事扛起被抛弃的痛苦。

45、 爱情是一种幸福的体验,而不应该是担心和煎熬。

46、 我拼搏,就一个理由,我要得到我想要的东西。

47、 If a sapling refuses to prune because it is afraid of pain, it will never become useful.

48、 Every time you pay carefully, you will have great value when you need help.

49、 可以追求财富,却是不能挥霍无度。

50、 Life is like a song, we should sing more high spirited and less sorrowful aria.

51、 Whenever you want to give up, think about what its for to stick to it until now.

52、 别只顾着向后看,却没看到前面的路有多长。

53、 Most peoples failures begin with doubts about their ability to do what they want to do.

54、 Life should have passion, to succeed first crazy, simple head forward.

55、 A person who can stand setbacks and grievances can win a better life for himself.

56、 耳朵没有底,可以从早听到晚。

57、 他增我,我增你,寿险精英齐努力。

58、 无人帮你是命运,学会坦然面对与承担。

59、 不怪誓言太轻薄只是时间太现实。

60、 No one to help you is fate, learn to face and bear calmly.

61、 先学会怎样生活,再学会体验生活。

62、 背后夸奖你的人,知道了要珍藏在心里,这里面很少有水分。

63、 也别太高估自己,你还需要更努力。

64、 You have to believe that as long as you do it, you can do it.

65、 愿你工作顺利,心情开朗,工资多加!

66、 舍得放弃,甘于淡泊,才能获得心灵的安宁。

67、 如果不想做点事情,就不要想到达这个世界上的任何地方。

68、 丈夫非无泪,不洒离别间。

69、 前方无绝路,希望在转角。

70、 I can do things for you, but I cant feel for you.

71、 Willing to give up, willing to indifferent, in order to obtain the peace of mind.

72、 别假装很努力,毕竟结果不会陪你演戏。

73、 Life is like playing chess、If you make a mistake, you lose the whole game.

74、 Idle study is no better than idle study.

75、 我之所以写作,不是我有才华,而是我有感情。

76、 有的时候冲动的下了一个决定,但结局未必不好。

77、 The top salesman sells not the product, but himself.

78、 越成熟的稻子,头就会越低,意味着 The more mature the rice, the lower the head, which means more to pay for others.

79、 Have the courage to commit suicide, why not take the courage to commit suicide to continue to live?

80、 我不去想是否能够成功,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程!

81、 He increases me, I increase you, the life insurance elites work hard together.

82、 Dont be afraid of a shadow in front of you, because there is sunshine behind you.

83、 黑发不知勤学早,白发方悔读书迟。

84、 让勤奋打败懒惰,让坚强打败脆弱。

85、 Keep corals away from the erosion of rough seas? Its like burying their beauty.

86、 Realize that youve lived your life to the fullest and that your breath is easier than ever.

87、 There is a gap is that you always envy others success, but you dare not start.

88、 It is better to fight today with tears than to regret yesterday with sweat.

89、 人经不起考验,故不要轻易考验于人。

90、 除了汗水,什么水都不要浪费。

91、 You can go as far as your eyes can see.

92、 All peoples pain, in essence, is anger at their own incompetence!

93、 人的一切痛苦,本质上都是对自己无能的愤怒!

94、 没有伞的孩子,必须努力奔跑。

95、 最好的状态大概就是,默默努力,实现每一个自己吹过的牛逼。

96、 人生要有热情,要成功先发疯,头脑简单向前冲。

97、 箭装满袋大象踩不断,团结起来的力量胜过大象。

98、 与其用汗水悔恨昨天,不如用泪水拼搏今天i。

99、 The pursuit of perfection is a beautiful ideal, and the acceptance of imperfection is a good mentality.

100、 命,爸妈只能给一次,要珍惜。

101、 不气馁,人生就是永不放弃。

102、 越来越发现,越是阳光,正能量的人,才越会好运。

103、 得意时要看淡,失意时要看开。

104、 生活中若没有朋友,就像人生活中没有阳光一样。

105、 The secret between us, it has nothing to do with time, is that people become too fast.

106、 成功不在于有无天资,而在与无理想。

107、 少年正该壮志凌云,怎能一蹶不振?

108、 Dont stop when you try, youll see what youll look like one day.

109、 The faster you run yesterday, the greater the resistance to the wind.

110、 Walk a thousand roads, only one suitable; meet all kinds of people, one person is enough.

111、 People cant stand the test, so dont test them easily.

112、 现在荒废的每一个瞬间,都是你的未来。Every moment of waste now is your future、Smile blooms after the sweat, maybe I am ordinary, but I accept the challenge.

113、 Life has no if, but there are many buts; life can not regret, but can turn around.

114、 只有能够看清自己,才能做到轻装上阵。

115、 Dont overestimate yourself. You need to work harder.

116、 If there are no friends in life, it is just like there is no sunshine in peoples life.

117、 再高的人有时也需踮足,再矮的人有时也需屈身。

118、 If you have the ability to abandon others, you should have the ability to bear the pain of being abandoned.

119、 The person who praises you behind knows to treasure it in the heart. There is little water in it.

120、 And action is the leading role of thought.

121、 从事什么工作,就会取得什么收获。

122、 Efforts do not necessarily succeed, give up must fail!

123、 When everyone is reasonable, he can go all over the world. If everyone is unreasonable, he will not be able to do anything.

124、 一个人,经得起挫折,受得起委屈,方能为自己赢得美好的人生。

125、 Criticism must be accepted, and insults must not be accepted.

126、 我们之间的秘密,与时间无关是人心变得太快了。

127、 Sometimes impulsive under a decision, but the outcome may not be bad.

128、 The more kind people are, the less aware they are of ill intentions.

129、 学会对自己说声顺其自然。

130、 人生没有如果,但有很多但是;人生不能后悔,但是可以拐弯。

131、 成功的人虚怀若谷,并且无所畏惧。

132、 Close to what circle, become what kind of person.

133、 You are like a soul in the dark, lurking around me.

134、 You are a doctor, when I am seriously injured, you are an idiot, accompany me to talk in my sleep.

135、 人生没有如果,只有后果和结果。

136、 事不三思总有败,人能百忍自无忧。

137、 Life needs challenges, but also persistence and diligence!

138、 Successful people are open-minded and fearless.

139、 We cant choose our heads, but we can choose the thoughts we like.

140、 When the sun sets, people feel the value of sunshine.

141、 人生如一支歌,应该多一些昂扬的吟唱,少一些哀婉的咏叹。

142、 游手好闲地学习,并不比学习游手好闲好。

143、 There are many good things in the world that cant be taken away.

144、 Failure is not because the problem is too big, but because we are too small.

145、 要得会,天天累;要得精,用命拼。

146、 批评一定要接受,侮辱绝对不能接受。

147、 连信心都不有,还谈什么未来。

148、 In order to be more beautiful in the future, we must be bitter now.

149、 要认识到你曾充实地生活过,甚至一生的呼吸都比以前更为轻松。

150、 You can pursue wealth, but you cant spend too much.

151、 I try my best to make myself stronger、I just want you by my side.

152、 人人都讲理时有理可走遍天下,人人不讲理时有理将寸步难行。

153、 每一次的细心付出,都会在需要帮助时,有着巨大的价值意义。

154、 The road you walk through will become the scenery in memory.

155、 只要你扬帆,便会有八面来风。

156、 More and more found that the more sunshine, positive energy people, the more good luck.

157、 No matter what the weather is outside, dont forget to bring your own sunshine.

158、 When you have the courage to cut long hair into short hair, you have the courage to give up the past.

159、 成名每在穷苦日,败事多因得意时。

160、 I fight, for one reason, I want to get what I want.

161、 越是善良的人,越察觉不出别人的居心不良。

162、 一场梦,一场空,再美的誓言,也有凋谢的一天。

163、 努力不一定成功,放弃一定失败!

164、 短的是旅途,长的是人生。

165、 Perseverance leads to success, and ambition is empty.

166、 Love is a happy experience, not worry and suffering.

167、 As long as you are conscious of peace of mind, everything will be fine in the East, the west, the north and the south. Dont run away if you dont have one.

168、 Dont always take yourself as the center, not everyone regards you as a person.

169、 Meet to fix your friends、This kind of friend is the mentor of your life.

170、 生活的梦想,就是为了梦想的生活。

171、 富贵不淫贫贱乐,男儿到此是豪雄。

172、 死,可以明志;生,却可践志。

173、 人生需要挑战,更需要坚持和勤奋!

174、 在顺境中,微笑是对成功的嘉奖。

175、 阳光落在春的枝头,日子便绿了。

176、 想要人参的效果,不可能花买萝卜的价!

177、 The dream thats rooted in your body.

178、 If you dont force yourself, you dont know how good you are.

179、 You envy other peoples good figure, but you cant put down the high calorie food in your hands.

180、 善用内在潜能,你就是走运的人。

181、 Life without goals is surrender to opportunity!

182、 没有人能一路单纯到底,但别忘了最初的自我。

183、 如果放弃,那就等于自取灭亡。

184、 火把倒下,火焰依然向上。

185、 拿得起的人,处处是担当。

186、 No one can be simple all the way to the end, but dont forget the original self.

187、 A persons heart, will doomed you to make how good the result!

188、 不要害怕你面前有阴影,那是因为你背后有阳光。

189、 不再堕落,重拾只属于自己的骄傲。

190、 Temper will drive away your good luck. Those who seem to have a big heart are just tolerant.

191、 最顶尖的推销员,销售的不是产品,而是他自己。

192、 My mothers eyes are my driving force; my mothers wrinkles are my ladder of growth.

193、 人的幸福,在于得到,也在于放下。

194、 如果,不能运气爆棚,那就,努力实力过人。

195、 时间,抓起了就是黄金,虚度了就是流水。

196、 眼光可以看多远,你就能走多远。