

1、 It can’t / couldn’t be the headmaster. He has gone to America. 这不可能是校长,校长去美国了。

2、talk about sth. with sb.跟某人谈论某事

3、look after 照顾、照管、看管、照料

4、talk\speak to sb.与某人谈话 write to sb. 写信给某人

5、 show respect to sb. 向某人表示尊敬

6、hear from=get a letter from=receive a letter from

7、as well 也(放在句末) as well as + sth. 也

8、the same as 与…..一样

9、 Nothing is more enjoyable than playing tennis.

10、You must be joking!=You can’t be serious.

11、She found that she was falling down a very, very deep hole. 她发现她掉进一个很深很深的洞里。

12、 So this week’s match is already more exciting.

13、one or two days 一两天

14、 Keep calm, especially when you’re with other people.

15、 I was walking along the street when the accident happened. 当事故发生时,我正在街上走。

16、 in fact 事实上 bigger and busier 更大更繁华

17、start a conversation开始一段谈话

18、 not…any more 不再….. close down 关闭;关停

19、 make noise 制造噪音

20、what’s your favourite… 你最喜欢的……是什么?

21、 Sometimes people are slow to get on the bus.

22、not as + 形容词/副词 + as 不像……

23、work hard努力工作

24、show sb. sth.=show sth. to sb. 给某人看(展示)某物

25、 be harmful for =be bad for 对……有害

26、can’t wait to do sth.等不及去做某事

27、the meaning of……的意思 try to do sth. 尝试做某事

28、 Not usually, although this year it snowed quite a lot.

29、fall off 从…..摔下来

30、 look for寻找(过程) find找到(结果)

31、 Lao She Teahouse gives a warm welcome to everyone from all over the world.

32、the price of ……的价钱


34、 a beautiful city 一个美丽的城市

35、write it / them down把它(它们)写下来

36、 I can’t believe!我简直无法相信!

37、be born in +地点./on+日子(某一天)

38、 one of + 可数名词复数 …...之一

39、get worse 变得严重/糟糕

40、 parts of …..的部分 a part of …..的一部分

41、 No smoking! 禁止吸烟! No fishing! 禁止钓鱼!

42、 stay out呆在外面

43、ask for advice征求意见 basic questions基本问题

44、 My home town is especially(尤其) famous for it’s university. 我的家乡尤其以它的大学而著名。

45、Once or twice she looked into her sister’s book.

46、be named\called 被称为……

47、over there在那儿

48、 in the final match 在决赛中

49、 growing population= increasing population

50、季节/年份/月份/前+in 日期前+on 星期几前+on

51、 catch a cold感冒 =get\have a cold

52、 train hard 努力训练 train harder 更加努力训练

53、stop to do sth.停下来去做某事

54、 So when you’re on your bike, think about the risk of an accident! 所以当你骑自行车时,考虑事故发生的危险。

55、 The population of India is smaller than that of China but larger than that of Russia.

56、 What can we do to help him?

57、 What do you think of…? How do you like…? 你认为……怎么样?

58、 pay… for …为….付费(花费)

59、 Thanks for your help. 感谢你的帮忙。

60、 Don’t ride side by side with your friends.

61、 with both hands 用双手

62、Watching films and listening to songs are great ways to learn English.

63、⑨过去进行时→was/were+ 主语?

64、lose their home 失去家园

65、 Do not jump out of high buildings.

66、a few days earlier 几天前=several\some days earlier

67、behind the fridge 在冰箱后

68、close to 靠近、接近 book the ticket 订票

69、The teacher speaks slowly and carefully.

70、as you know 正如你所知道的

71、 There are only about 1,600 pandas living in the wild today.今天只剩下大约1,600只熊猫生活在野外。

72、what for=why 16.run after 追赶、追逐

73、work hard 努力工作\学习

74、by the river在河边

75、They practise more carefully this week than last week. 他们这周比上周练习得更加仔细。

76、smile at sb.朝某人微笑 6. fall down=go down摔落

77、 feel (more) confident to do sth.

78、 What to do in an earthquake?

79、 It s on the coast near Hong Kong. 在靠近香港海岸线上。

80、 Have a nice trip! 祝你旅途快乐!

81、 rice milk coffee tea water juice 是不可数名词

82、 plenty of +可数名词复数/+不可数名词

83、learn a foreign language 学习一门外语

84、 And you mustn’t break anything . It’s bad luck.

85、 I am more interested to see the pandas in the Wolong Panda Reserve. 我对看卧龙保护区的熊猫更加感兴趣。

86、stop sb.(from)doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

87、 at the bottom of 在…..的底部

88、put on \take off穿上\脱下 land \take off着陆\起飞

89、drink tea with milk 喝加油牛奶的茶

90、the capital of …..的首都

91、 have one’s hair cut 理发

92、in a tree人或外来物在树上on a tree 水果在树上

93、take photos of…… 给……拍照

94、 Each panda needs to eat a lot of bamboo every day.

95、What happened? 怎么了?

96、Book your ticket before you book your hotel.

97、Alice had nothing to do. 爱丽丝无事可做。

98、in danger 处于危险中\濒临灭绝

99、 What’s the temperature? 气温是多少?

100、magic show魔术表演

101、 lift up 抬起,提起

102、 There are storms from time to time in summer and autumn. 但是在夏天和秋天时常会有暴风雨。

103、 It’s a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day.

104、 当million, billion, thousand,hundred等前有具体数词修饰时,他们不用加s,不加of。若表示不具体数目时则加s,加of。three hundred 三百 hundreds of 数以百计的

105、 one fifth of 五分之一 two fifths of 五分之二

106、 Watching is not dangerous and it’s more relaxing too!

107、also用于句中 too 用于句末,但有逗号

108、 I want to see the Beijing Opera. 我想去看京剧。

109、have a safe place to live 有安全住处

110、 buy sb. sth.=buy sth. for sb. 为某人买某物

111、raise money 集资,筹款

112、had better do sth.最好做某事

113、 It’s better to go to Shanghai first. 最好先去上海。

114、 Let’s find out what else we can do to save as many animals as possible. 让我们找找我们还能为保护尽可能多的动物做些什么别的事?

115、 We are training harder than usual because the other team beat us last year. 我们比平时训练更努力,因为去年另一个队打败了我们。

116、n. (名词) adj.(形容词)

117、stay with sb.跟某人呆在一起

118、take out of 从…..拿出

119、①there be→be there? (be 有不同)

120、It was sitting in a tree and smiling at everyone.

121、What’s the weather like today?

122、We should work hard to stop people killing tigers.

123、far (away) from 远离、离…..远

124、 Why not write down our mistakes in our notebook?

125、stand in a line =wait in a line 排队

126、 The population of China is about 1.37 billion.


128、be called/named被叫做…

129、not only…..but also…..不但……而且……

130、 most of …… ……的大部分 wait for 等候

131、touch sb. on the shoulder 碰某人肩膀

132、tired累的(人) tiring累的(物、事)

133、a minute ago 一分钟前 several minutes ago 几分钟前

134、 Teahouse is one of Lao She’s most famous plays.

135、 Pay attention, stop at the red lights and ……what else?

136、 take part in 参加 a road accident 道路交通事故

137、 adj. enough to do sth. 足够…..去做某事

138、 Hang on a minute! I’ll write that down too!

139、help sb.(to)do sth. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事

140、the +比较级,the + 比较级 越…..越…..

141、 quite a lot 相当多,非常多

142、in time 及时 on time 按时、准时

143、smile at everyone 对每个人微笑

144、 such as没有逗号,后面一般加n.或者短语

145、 It was difficult to understand the word理解台词很困难。4. It describes the changes in Chinese society.

146、It is adj.(形容词)+for sb. )to do sth.

147、 What’s the matter with you? 你怎么了?

148、But nobody was late, except me.但除了我没有人迟到。

149、⑤It’s a good idea to do sth. 做…..是个好主意

150、travel around the world环球旅行 one day总有一天

151、 He was named “the People’s Artist”.

152、 hang on a minute=wait a minute=wait a moment等一下

153、 形容词物主代词后+名词 a \an+可数名词单数

154、 a\the population of ……的人口

155、except sb. 除了某人 as much as 与……一样多

156、不客气的几种说法:You are welcome. 不用谢

157、have a good time=enjoy oneself

158、②Why not do=Why don’t you do..? 为什么不做……?

159、 less and less 越来越少 +不可数名词

160、 Some day ,it will become as busy as Hong Kong.

161、 We should always speak English in class.

162、just now刚才(用于一般过去时) grow up长大

163、 Leave the building quickly when the ground stops shaking, but do not use the lift. 当地面停止晃动时,赶快离开建筑物,但不要乘电梯。

164、 Millions of tourists visit it every year to show respect to President Lincoln. 每年数以百万的旅游者来参观它是对林肯总统表示尊敬。

165、 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture.

166、 I threw it across the kitchen, and it landed on a table. 我把它(蛇)扔向厨房的另一面,它掉落在桌子上。

167、 have no place to live in没有地方可住

168、What else? 还有什么其它的?

169、come true实现 pretty good相当好,非常好

170、on a clear day在晴朗的一天

171、agree to do sth.同意去做某事agree with sb.同意某人

172、 how often多久一次(用频度副词来回答)

173、a symbol of … 的象征\标志

174、 hang on 等等/别挂断

175、They were having a tea party in the garden.

176、welcome to… 欢迎到、来…..

177、 You can’t be serious! 你不会是认真的吧!

178、thanks for sth. 感谢某人

179、Alice got up and ran across the field after it.

180、⑥一般现在时→do/does +主语?

181、A journey by train is more relaxing than by coach, but a lot more expensive. 乘火车旅行比长途汽车更令人放松,但也贵得多。

182、 In the mountains, be careful of falling rocks.

183、 We are going to talk about good ways to learn English.

184、 Alice followed it and fell down a hole in the ground.

185、 Table tennis is more exciting than tennis.

186、take a photo \take photos 照相

187、It’s the most comfortable way, but it’s also the most expensive. 这是最舒适的方式,但它也是最昂贵的。

188、 stay at home 呆在家 enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事

189、 Welcome back, everyone! 欢迎大家回来!

190、more than=over 超过 sell out卖光


192、the centre of…..的中心

193、something interesting 有趣的事情

194、 go to the stadium 去体育馆

195、be sure of/about sth. 对某事有把握、确信

196、 Afternoon tea is not a drink but a light meal at around 4pm. 下午茶不仅仅是喝茶, 而且是下午4点左右的一顿便餐。

197、on the lake 在湖面上

198、in the wild 在野外

199、warm up 热身(活动\运动) keep fit 保持健康

200、 There are lots of old buildings and churches to visit.

201、人(作主语)+spend on sth.

202、⑥Would you like to do sth. ?你想要做……?

203、 What’s the book about? 这本书是关于什么的?

204、 bad luck 运气不佳 never mind 别介意

205、not just…but (also) 不仅……而且

206、at the age of +数字 在…..岁时

207、She was playing a strange game.

208、as much\many as possible尽可能多地

209、 solve a problem 解决问题

210、in the nineteenth\twentieth century 在十九\二十世纪

211、hurt badly 伤得很严重

212、bring sb. around sw.=take sb. around sw.

213、 Beijing is a huge city with a big population.

214、pick up 捡起,拾起 11.in great pain 剧痛中

215、protect the animals 保护动物

216、think about 考虑、思考

217、a light meal 便餐 10. get to know 认识

218、What’s the matter with you? 你怎么了?

219、go back to =return to 回归、回到

220、 It’s getting bigger and busier. 它变得更大更繁华。


222、 Let’s try to speak English as much as possible. 让我们尽可能多地说英语。

223、on the left-hand side (of) 在左边

224、have to do sth.不得不去做某事

225、 What’s the population of China?

226、 have trouble\difficulty doing sth.

227、be interested to do sth. 感兴趣去做某事

228、 ---Bad buck! 运气不佳! --- Never mind. 没关系。

229、be worried about =worry about 担心

230、wear glasses戴眼镜

231、 ---I don’t like showers or windy weather.

232、It’s natural to forget new words!

233、 What a surprise! 多么惊喜啊!

234、 It’s taller than many other buildings.

235、give a warm welcome to sb. 热烈欢迎(某人)

236、show sth. to sb.=show sb. sth. 向某人展示某物

237、do some shopping=go shopping

238、 be glad/happy to do sth. 高兴做某事

239、 While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared. 当交通灯正要变红时,一辆小车突然出现。

240、No idea. =I have no idea. = I don’t know. 不知道


242、⑦Let sb.do sth. 让某人做某事

243、 ——What’s the score? 比分是多少?

244、 That’s such good advice that you could be a doctor, Betty! 那是个如此好的建议,以至于你都可以当医生了,贝蒂。

245、 be surprised\interested\excited to do sth.

246、 a few+可数名词复数:(表示肯定)

247、 Make sure he is warm. 确保他不受凉。

248、a bit=a little有点儿

249、 So Lingling offered to take me there.

250、 be pleased with sb.\sth.

251、③Try (not) to do sth. 试着做 (不做)某事

252、the story of……的故事

253、 get/be angry with sb.

254、 多音节和少部分双音节形容词和副词的比较级的构成方法及副词的基本用法:课本P123-125

255、 They cheer us on loudly and we feel more confident to win the game. 他们大声为我们喝彩,而我们也更有信心赢得比赛。

256、 Because it allow people to get closer to them.

257、 The WWF is working hard to save them.

258、 I think we need to help animals live in peace.

259、much \heavy traffic 交通拥堵、拥挤

260、 tell me more说的更多点

261、 ---Did you enjoy it? 你喜欢它(京剧)吗?

262、 be excited to do sth.兴奋去做某事

263、There was nothing strange about that.

264、one of 最高级+可数名词复数+V单数

265、④should do 应该做…..

266、 That means we have a better chance of winning.

267、It was too dark for her to see anything.

268、How long does the journey take and what is the best way to travel? 旅途花多长时间,最好的出行方式是什么?

269、 too…to 太……而不能

270、the second cheapest\longest 第二便宜\长

271、It is a good idea\way to do sth.

272、 I hope to understand more next time.

273、I don’t believe it! 我不相信它!

274、for the first time 初次,第一次

275、①What about doing=How about doing…? 做……怎么样?

276、as early as we can 尽可能早 beat sb. 打败某人

277、 The weather gets cooler, and the leaves start to turn gold, then brown. 天气变得更凉爽,绿叶也开始变成金黄色,然后变成棕色。

278、as usual 象往常一样

279、 stay away from 离开,远离

280、quite a lot 很多 27.from time to time 经常


282、in order to +do sth. 为了做某事

283、take sb. to sw. 到某人到某地

284、the best place to do sth. 做某事最好的地方

285、get on well with sb.与某人相处融洽

286、get close to 接近\靠近

287、 danger (n.) in danger处于危险中

288、 And you’d better not cut your hair during the Spring Festival. 在春节期间你最好不要理发。


290、 When is the best time to visit your country?