

1、 we will have abundant activities during the music week.

2、 i am wondering if you have made a definite plan for the coming summer holiday.

3、 在我们学习英语的时候,通常会搞不懂两个意思相近词语的用法,譬如join和takepartin,它们都有参加、加入的意思,但是用法却是有很大区别的。

4、 Did you get dressed right away? 你马上就穿衣服了吗?

5、 In the afternoon there will be an appointment with one of my clients. 下午我约了一个客户。

6、 I've already finished my homework. 我已经做完功课了。

7、 不同名词意思的例句如下:

8、 After I have breakfast, I go to work. 我吃完早餐就去上班。

9、 After I get dressed, I will have breakfast. 我穿好衣服后就吃早餐。

10、 发朋友圈想戒酒了怎么写戒酒是行动,不。

11、 What did you talked about? 你们谈了些什么?


13、Talking about yesterday's activities 谈论昨天的活动

14、 I finished working at six and went to the restaurant. 我六点钟结束工作,然后去了饭店。

15、 喝酒开车是祸源,劝君莫把酒杯端。

16、 I reach school at half past seven every day. 我每天7点半到达学校。

17、 I eat dinner at about seven o'clock with my parents. 我大概7点左右和父母一起吃晚饭。

18、 department也可作“活动范围”“知识领域”解。

19、 join指的是加入组织、团体以及党派的意思,后面也可以跟人,表示和某个人一起参加什么活动。而takepartin一般指的是参加活动、聚会或者是运动会等等,这两者之间是不能互用的。

20、 ,保持良好的生活习惯,均衡饮食,坚持锻炼。

21、 i am writing to tell you what we have arranged for you.

22、 Kate went to bed earlier than I did last night. 昨晚凯特比我早上床睡觉。

23、 I used to have breakfast at half past seven. 我总是7点半吃早餐。

24、 I live at 2 Galaxy Road. 我住在银河路2号。

25、 To good health, every day to exercise。若要身体健,天天来锻炼。

26、 i think it is a good chance for you to participate in the english speaking competition.



29、 I used to go shopping with my sister. 以前我常常和我的姐妹一起去买东西。

30、 我不喜欢和不会喝酒的人喝酒,因为妳永远不知道他喝醉,会是什么样子,酒醒了,又会是什么样的神情。

31、 I live on Washington Street. 我住在华盛顿街。

32、 只要感情到位,不喝也会陶醉。

33、 I'll finish working at about six o'clock and get home at seven. 我将在6点左右结束工作,7点钟到家。

34、 I used to have lunch at the canteen at ten past twelve. 我常常在12:10在小餐厅吃午饭。

35、 I asked her if she liked classical music. 我问她喜不喜欢古典音乐。



38、 也曾酩酊同样醉,误了良辰赏月天。

39、 看着日历,已经一个星期没喝过酒了,前两次宿醉已经下定决心戒酒,不想喝生不能梦死,白水最长情。

40、 例:Shewaiteduntilthewholedepartmentwasawareofherpresence.

41、 省下烟酒钱,急难免求人。

42、 I didn't go to the library, but I went swimming. 我没有去图书馆,但去了游泳。

43、 I asked her a few questions. 我问了她几个问题。

44、 Working people in our country, the need of millions of able-bodied, strong-willed, courageous, energetic, gritty people。在我们劳动人民的国家内,需要千百万身体健壮、意志坚强、勇敢无畏、朝气蓬勃、坚韧不拔的人。

45、 But sometimes I overslept. 但有时候我会睡过头。

46、 A nation, many people came out, that nation must be strong; a nation, premature aging of the people, the nation must be weak。 一个民族,老当益壮的人多,那个民族一定强;一个民族,未老先衰的人多,那个民族一定弱。

47、 In addition to physical benefits of exercise, it is also to make a fresh spirit of the people to keep the best way。运动的好处除了强身之外,更是使一个人精神保持清新的最佳途径。

48、 Sea so vast, wonderful drums, athletes, you are no longer so small as usual,大海如此的浩淼,鼓声多么美妙,运动员们,你们不再像平时那样渺小,

49、3 the moon cake is eaten away, but the sweetness remains.


51、 Development of sport to enhance people's health。发展体育运动,增强人民体质。

52、 例:Hemovedtothesalesdepartment.


54、 Health is a wonder drug, exercise is saver。卫生是妙药,锻炼是金丹。

55、 Reading is to the mind, just as exercise is to the body。读书之于精神,恰如运动之于身体。

56、 She said she loved orchestra music. 她说她喜欢管弦乐。


58、 Before I have dinner, usually I take a bath. 吃晚饭以前,我通常先洗澡。

59、 In the evening I usually have a big supper. 晚上我通常吃一顿丰富的晚餐。

60、 Athletes have to line up in a circle around the playground, we only looked at them blankly。运动员们都要排队绕操场一圈,我们只有呆呆的看着他们。

61、 酒是害人的毒药,性是刮人的钢刀。

62、 I usually go to bed at half past ten. 我通常十点半睡觉。

63、 a performance will be put on this evening to welcome the freshmen in our university.


65、 We had a meeting on every Monday morning. 我们每个星期一早上开会。

66、 What did you ask her? 你问了她什么?

67、 You live here in New York, don't you? 你住在纽约,对吗?

68、 I like to go hiking。 我喜欢徒步旅行。

69、 I'll have to get ready for a meeting before nine. 我必须在9点以前准备好开会。


71、 please actively take part in after-class activities, which will not only make your school life colorful, but also improve your learning.

72、 I'm from out of town. 我住在城外。

73、 i hope you can enjoy yourself here.

74、 I usually left my home at eight o'clock. 我通常8点钟离开家。

75、Meeting a friend 访友

76、 且join指参加某一个群体的时候,这个群体可以是临时的,也可以是固定的,所以后面一般接的是“人”或者是“组织”,而takepartin主要是指参加到一项活动中,后面只能跟表示“活动”的词汇,且参加的态度是比较积极的。

77、 齿根圆直径df—通过齿槽根部的圆,称为齿根圆。齿顶高ha齿根高hf齿高h—齿顶圆与分度圆的径向距离称为齿顶高;分度圆与齿根圆的径向距离称为齿根高;齿顶圆与齿根圆的径向距离称为齿高。其尺寸关系为:h=ha+hf

78、 健康为先,千万别劝君更尽一杯酒。

79、 join和takepartin的区别

80、 Mary and Lucy used to go to many places together. 玛丽和露西以前常常一起去很多地方。

81、 Are you going to have dinner at home tomorrow night? 明天晚上你准备在家吃饭吗?

82、 全国大学生英语竞赛,含金量高,且赛事对于人才积分落户也有帮助

83、 the child has a weak constitution and is struck ill from time to time。 lack of exercise is part of the reason。 这孩子从小就体弱多病,这都是缺乏体育锻炼造成的。

84、 She answered most of my questions. 她回答了我大部分的`问题。

85、 what are you going to arrange for us during our stay in your city?

86、 We'll have lunch at a canteen not far away from the office. 我们会去一家离办公室不远的小餐厅吃午饭。

87、 I overslept and got up at eight. 我睡过头了,8点钟才起床。

88、 Days of raw water to stop drugs, people break Days of raw glass。水停百日生毒,人歇百日生玻。

89、 I'll get up at seven o'clock so that I can catch the bus. 我7点钟起床才能赶上公车。

90、 Health from sports, to his athletic life, you want to be all things sports。健康来自运动,生命来自己运动,一切想要的东西都要运动。

91、 What time did you get up yesterday morning? 昨天早上你几点钟起床?

92、 Did you work all day? 你工作了一整天吗?

93、 Summer swimming, winter running, year-round broadcast gymnastics。夏游泳,冬长跑,一年四季广播操。

94、 I always started working at nine in the morning. 我总是在早上9点开始工作。

95、 她就这么等着,直到全车间的人都注意到她。

96、 mr. black, a professor from yale, will give us a report on international situation, which everyone is supposed to attend.

97、 I arrived at the company at eight forty-five, and began my work at nine. 我8:45到公司,9点钟开始工作。

98、 I read the newspaper for half an hour before I went to bed. 我上床睡觉前看半小时报纸。

99、 What did you have for breakfast? 你早餐吃了什么?


101、 Yes, I had supper with my friends at a restaurant. 是的,我和朋友在饭店吃过晚饭了。

102、 our school will arrange for some top students to go to america for the summer camp.

103、5 when we are together, even the moon in the sky will be jealousy.

104、4 where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.

105、 we^v^ll try our best to make your trip in beijing a pleasant experience.

106、 join一般指的是加入组织、团体以及党派的意思,而takepartin则是指参加活动、聚会或者是运动会等等。join在后面会接“人”或者“组织”,而takepartin后面只能跟“活动”词汇。

107、 Yes, I worked from early morning until late at night. 是的,我从清早一直工作到深夜。

108、 I went to see a friend of mine. 我去看我一个朋友。

109、 What time did you use to go to work last year? 去年你通常在什么时候上班?

110、Asking about addresses 询问地址

111、 Are you going to Linda's birthday party tomorrow night? 你明天晚上去参加琳达的生日晚会吗?

112、 We talked about the concert. 我们谈论那场音乐会。

113、 in order to make our school life colorful and meaningful, our school has decided to organize a sports meeting.

114、 谁也不能动摇我戒酒的决心,如果有那么既分高下,也分生死~为了不伤感情,我喝;为了不伤身体,我喝一点。


116、 中华口译大赛,策马翻译主办

117、 When will you go to work? 你什么时候去上班?

118、 How long have you lived here? 你在这里住了多久了?


120、 how time flew! it was getting dark before we realized it.

121、 Physical health and damage due to stationary, due to athleticism and long-term。身体的健康因静止不动而破坏,因运动练习而长期保持。

122、 I went home at eleven. 我十一点到家。

123、 We used to go to the movies on weekends. 我们以前常常在周末去看电影。

124、2 east or west, home is best.

125、 thanks to his persistent physical exercise, he looks healthy, with white hair and a ruddy complexion。 由于长期坚持体育锻炼,他看起来鹤发童颜。


127、 fascinated by the charming scenery, i was about to forget time when a thunder gave me a start.

128、 I worked until half past five each day. 我每天工作到5点半。

129、1 without you, the moon is round though my heart is empty.


131、 as a student, you^v^d better choose the activities which interest you and suit you.

132、 Finally, I asked her how old she is. 最后,我问她多大了。



135、 let^v^s give a warm welcome to professor li.


137、 My mother has spoken Chinese all her life. 我妈妈讲了一辈子中文。

138、Talking about last year's activities 谈论去年的活动

139、 what amused us most was the wonderful short play performed by a group of little girls.

140、 名词n.部门,部;系,学部;知识范围;车间


142、 My sister got up earlier than I did. 我妹妹比我起得早。

143、Talking about future activities 谈论未来的活动

144、 为了给孩子们树榜样,也为了防备自己酒喝多了导致老了痴呆给孩子们添麻烦,这酒得戒了。

145、 饮酒预防三高,常跑常笑身体好。


147、 I finish work at about 5:00 pm. 我大概下午5点结束工作。

148、 Where do you live? 你住在哪里?

149、 did you have great fun spending your vacation in the countryside?

150、 exercise和sports没区别

151、 在英美两国,department还可表示“大学里的系”,如departmentofforeignlanguages(外语系),但是在美国使用得更为普遍;

152、 riding bikes is certainly a good way for us to exercise and it is of benefit to our health.